The Role of Audiovisual in Environmental Activism
What’s about: The panel brings together directors to explore how audiovisual productions can catalyze social and environmental change. How can we use audiovisuals as a powerful tool for environmental activism, raising awareness, and mobilizing diverse audiences for sustainability? The conversation will also include the challenges of producing impactful content and ways to engage different audiences, highlighting the importance of collaboration between artists and activists to promote sustainability and ecological awareness.
Curatorship and Mediation

Marcio Isensee e Sá

Marcio is a photographer, video maker, and communicator whose films and journalistic activities focus mainly on the coverage of environmental issues in Brazil. Currently, he is the content director of the environmental journalism site ((o))eco, where he coordinates projects, the journalistic team, and philanthropic prospecting. Marcio graduated from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Rio de Janeiro with a degree in Social Sciences and is part of Filmambiente’s team as the curator of thematic panels and lectures.
Who participates

Priscilla Brasil

Phd Candidate (Post-Colonialism and Global Citizenship), University of Coimbra; Master in Communication, PUC-Rio; BA in Film and Television Business, FGV; Bachelor in Communications, Unama; Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Pará. Born in Belém, Pará, Priscilla has directed several documentaries and DVDs on the Brazilian Amazon and is an executive producer in the music market, internationally awarded for works such as the album "Treme," which launched Gaby Amarantos international career. Executive producer at Companhia Amazônica de Filmes and coordinator of the Free Amazon Film School.

Tiago Carvalho

Documentarist, screenwriter, and researcher Tiago Carvalho is a Master in Social Memory from UNIRIO. He has directed short films, television documentaries, and the feature film "The Pink Indian Against the Invisible Beast: The Battle of Noel Nutels", awarded at national and international festivals. He works in the audiovisual training of young people from the Ever-living flower-gathering communities of the Serra do Espinhaço (MG) and the Kaiabi people in the Indigenous Territory of Xingu.

João Amorim

A film director focused on children 's content and documentaries. He directed several titles as an animation director in New York City, received an Emmy nomination in 2009, and taught the Masters in Animation at New York University, Parsons, and the Academy of Art College. He released his first documentary feature film in 2010, and since then has directed series shown on Channels Futura, TV Cultura, TV Brasil, Max, GloboPlay, Ita Play, and Amazon Prime, among others, as well as documentaries awarded at national and international festivals.