Filmambiente 2016 | September 15-21 | Rio de Janeiro


39 films, including 24 animation shorts.

Other Activities

Screening of the film Espelho D'água, Bailarina do Lagomar (Liz Vitt & Rafael Costa | Brazil) to students of the Ecology and Socio-environmental Development Centre of Macaé - Rio de Janeiro Federal University (NUPEM - UFRJ). Espelho D’água, Bailarina do Lagomar, para alunos do NUPEM da UFRJ – Nucleo em Ecologia e Desenvolvimento Sócio-ambiental de Macaé.

Film screenings for municipal schools at the Environment Museum and OiFuturo Ipanema.


Environment Museum (at the Botanic Garden)
Oi Futuro Ipanema

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