PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD to Virunga (Orlando von Einsiedel | United Kingdom) with 79.27% of the votes. Virunga (Virunga, Orlando von Einsiedel | Reino Unido) com 79,27% dos votos.
BEST FEATURE LENGTH to Bidder (George Gage | USA) because he leads us through the story of a character with all the characteristics of the classic hero: a young man willing to make an immense sacrifice for the common good to defend what is right, against a powerful enemy. Thus, it reveals how the courage of an individual became an example of the right to resistance, to civil disobedience, showing inspiration and hope. Bidder (Bidder, George Gage | EUA) pois nos conduz pela história de um personagem com todas as características do herói clássico: um jovem disposto a fazer um imenso sacrifício pelo bem comum para defender o que é certo, contra um inimigo poderoso. Assim revela como a coragem de um indivíduo se tornou exemplo do direito à resistência, à desobediência civil, semeando inspiração e esperança.
BEST SHORT FILM went to Tribus (Marcos Pimentel | Brazil). O Barril (The Barrel, Anabel Rodríguez | Reino Unido, Venezuela, República Dominicana) pela originalidade do roteiro e direção primorosa que revela um personagem apaixonante em meio às contradições de uma Venezuela dividida entre as riquezas do petróleo e a pobreza da comunidade ribeirinha.
SPECIAL AWARD for the short Faces (Said Najmi | Jordan) for the sensible way it portrays human choices. Sombra da Árvore (Shadow Tree, Biju Viswanath | República da Tanzânia), que devolve a esperança ao espectador, mostrando uma amizade improvável.
and to Virunga (Orlando von Einsiedel | United Kingdom) because the film has all the elements of an action film, dramatic, emotional, beautiful. A plot of international intrigue, power play, brutal violence. But it is a true story, which can only be told by the courage of characters who face these forces. We identify with the innocent victims of this conflict - we are the gorillas, we are the Congolese expelled from their land. Payada Pa’ Satán (Carlos Balseiro | Argentina), pois com rigor narrativo e cuidado estético interpreta uma grave questão ambiental a partir do imaginário popular.
SPECIAL AWARD to feature documentary Waking the Green Tiger (Gary Marcuse | Canada). Deserto Verde (Desierto Verde, Ulisses de La Orden | Argentina), por ser um filme despretensioso e simples, como as mães que procuram justiça e, como elas, tem a imensa beleza de ser correto, honesto e acreditar na organização das pessoas e do conhecimento para fazer a justiça prevalecer.
and to Virunga (Orlando von Einsiedel | United Kingdom) because the film has all the elements of an action film, dramatic, emotional, beautiful. A plot of international intrigue, power play, brutal violence. But it is a true story, which can only be told by the courage of characters who face these forces. We identify with the innocent victims of this conflict - we are the gorillas, we are the Congolese expelled from their land. Virunga (Virunga, Orlando von Einsiedel | Reino Unido), pois o filme tem todos os elementos de um filme de ação, dramático, emocionante, bonito. Uma trama de intriga internacional, jogo de poder, violência brutal. Mas é uma história real, que só pode ser contada pela coragem de personagens que enfrentam essas forças. Nos identificamos com as vítimas inocentes desse conflito – nós somos os gorilas, nós somos os congoleses expulsos de suas terras.
62 Filmes, 62 Films, including 8 feature length documentaries and 25 shorts in competition and the showcases:
CineEco – 20 years, homage to the 20 editions of this festival that takes place at Serra da Estrela, Portugal, with the exhibition of 6 films shown in their previous editions;
Swiss Films, 5 films of Switzerland recent production on the environment, including 2 fiction films;
The Future is Here, with 5 films showing urgent issues, including a French documentary of Belo Monte (Brazilian dam built on indigenous land) and the much awarded Last Ocean, shown with the support of PEW fund and Last Call, Italian film shown and awarded in more than 20 festivals around the world;
Masters of their Destiny, with 5 films presenting creative solutions found by persons or communities to solve their problems;
Brazilian Films, with 6 films shown at Naves do Conhecimento de Madureira, Irajá, Penha and Bangu.
The Environment: Thematic and Approach Evolution Panel was coordinated by O Globo journalist and columnist Agostinho Vieira, and to debate these issues, we brought together people who have been working with the environment and sustainability for over twenty years, whether reporting, organizing events, or producing and directing films and videos, such as Cine'Eco director Mario Branquinho and director and producer Paula Saldanha, or studying the economic and social consequences of climate change, such as professor, consultant and economist Sergio Besserman.
A tasting event of finger food cooked with remains collected the same day at Cadeg (producers center) held by the Slow Food Brasil group, after answering questions from the audience about the Italian film The Origin of Slow Food, at Espaço Itaú de Cinema,
Movie Marathon: for the second year, and with the support of partners (a folding bike by Blitz, kits by Farm, 3 eco-friendly Dopper bottles) the movie marathon awarded five persons who were able to watch more movies.
Exhibitions at Naves do Conhecimento de Madureira, Irajá, Penha and Bangu.
At the Penha Nave, teachers of public schools of the region were able to interact with the director of Then and Now, Luiz Adelmo Manzano.
At Madureira Nave, a representative of the film The Poison is on the Table 2, by Silvio Tendler (Brazil) who participated in a Q&A. O Veneno está na Mesa 2 debateu o filme com a platéia.
Espaço Itaú de Cinema
Instituto Moreira Salles
Naves do Conhecimento de Madureira, Irajá, Penha and Bangu
Cine Santander Cultural, Porto Alegre