Net Zero is one of the most frequent expressions currently in the debates around the planetary climate crisis. But what is it?
Net Zero is the neutral balance between the quantity of greenhouse gases (especially carbon gas) released into the atmosphere in relation to that removed from the atmosphere.
An important component of countries' negotiations at global meetings like the COP (Conference of the Parties) – Net Zero is the "new measurement" for the commitments assumed by governments and companies to decarbonize their activities and contribute to the race against the intensification of global warming effects.
Controversial, the neutral balance concept opens space for projects (many already idealized) of capturing and stocking gases, deviating or obliterating attention from the most urgent necessity of actually reducing a lot of emissions, and therefore has been criticized by some scientists.
This panel will try to answer questions such as:
What are those who assumed commitments to NetZero effectively doing to achieve results? Can we expect corporations, industries and governments to really throw themselves into that goal? Or is it doomed to be another aim not achieved?
Even if the goal is achieved, is it going to be successful in keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius?