Community Activity - Agroecology, Food sovereignty and Solidarity kitchens in Favelas | Sustainable Favela Network
Em parceria com a Rede Favela Sustentável, realizamos uma mesa de diálogo com o eixo de Soberania Alimentar da Rede sobre segurança e soberania alimentar nas favelas, com representantes de projetos inspiradores de todo o Grande Rio falando sobre suas práticas de plantio (água, terra, plantas), compostagem e aproveitamento integral dos alimentos, além do uso de matos e ervas comestíveis. Foram abordados também a doação de alimentos, a importância do combate à fome, de garantir comida no prato e o papel das cozinhas solidárias e sustentáveis. Na Arena Cultural Dicró, Parque Ary Barroso, Penha Circular.
Colab ((O)) ECO 20 years + FILMAMBIENTE

Por ocasião dos 20 anos de ((o))eco o Filmambiente foi convidado para indicar 2 filmes com histórias inspiradoras sobre aqueles que dedicam suas vidas à conservação da natureza. A curadoria indicou ‘MULHERES NA CONSERVAÇÃO’ , que foi seguido de um bate-papo com os diretores João Marcos Rosa e Paulina Chamorro, e ‘CORREDORES – DA PEDRA AZUL AO FORNO GRANDE’, também seguido de uma conversa com o fotógrafo do filme, Leonardo Merçon.

Filmambiente School PROGRAM
Exibições realizadas em 2024, para escolar localizadas nas proximidades da Arena Dicró, na Penha Circular, no Rio e para escolas de Niterói, com o apoio da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e do Cine Arte UFF.
Up to 12 years old kids program, with 10 shorts

The Sprayer, by Farnoosh Abedi | Iran | Animation | 9 min | 2022
Where are you from?, by Juan Cristiani | Uruguay | animation | 2 min 32 | 2023
Nature attack, by Erik Semashkin | France | animation | 3 min 15 | 2023
Butterfly, by Sunčana Brkul | Croatia | animation | 8 min | 2024
The poet who became a bird, by Ara de Andrade Martins | Brazil | animation | 10min | 2023
Thieves of Skies, by Fernanda Carvalho | Brazil | animação | 7min43 | 2023 pág. 20
On the 8th day (Au 8éme Jour), by Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duhautois | France | animation | 8 min 12 | 2023
Ice Merchants, by João Gonzalez | Portugal, UK and France | animation | 14min31| 2022
Little Forest (Bosquecito) , by Paulina Muratore | Argentina | animation | 8min16 | 2020
The Peculiar Crime of Oddball Mr. Jay, by Bruno Caetano | Portugal | animation | 10 min 50 | 2019

Program for kids between 12 and 18 years old, with 7 shorts and 1 feature documentary

In the sea, by Clara Linhart e Rodrigo de Oliveira Garcia | Brazil | Documentary | 17 min 17 | 2023
Muddy Waters, by Gabriel Panazio e Kleber Leão | Brazil | documentary | 7 min 07 | 2023
On the 8th day, by Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duhautois | France | animation | 8 min 12 | 2023
The Nature Girl, by Paul Charisse, Quinton Luccas, Matteo Maximilian | USA | fiction | 9 min 33 | 2024
Thirst, by Arnaud van Vliet | South Africa | animation | 13 min 43 | 2024
Firehead, by Lidiana Reis | Brazil | documentary | 9 min 30 | 2024
The Last Reserve, by Patrick Granja | Brazil | Documentary | 30 min | 2024
Children of the Amazon, by Denise Zmekhol | Brazil | Documentary | 72 min | 2008


Lau Zanchi, organizer of the event, invited filmambiente to participate in the MONTH OF THE AMAZONIA, Read, Think, Feel the Amazon, in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Palácio Galveias library, from March 21st to April 22nd.

We accepted the challenge and selected films to be shown at the event, which also includes music, gastronomy, fashion, book launches, debates and the photo exhibition “The jungle that lives in us”.

Curated by @Filmambiente, and supported by the filmmakers - who provided their films without a fee - there are 22 titles, a diverse selection of Portuguese, Brazilian and international films, many of them award-winning, including the recently located Amazon, the largest river in the world, by the filmmaker and Portuguese-Brazilian photographer Silvino Santos. The film will open the screenings with the support of @Cinemateca Brasileira.

An opportunity to get to know the forest in all its complexity, beauty and conflicts, with a focus on its people, so diverse - Indigenous people, quilombolas, riverside dwellers, babassu coconut breakers, activists - and so committed to protect nature and their ways of life.

Biodiversity in Audiovisual

In 2023, Filmambiente was invited to curate the films displayed at the Mostra Biodiversidade em Audiovisual (Biodiversity in Audiovisual), promoted by the Casa da Cultura de Paraty, at Cinema da Praça, which has a programme aiming to raise public awareness about environmental issues, promote audiovisual works with such themes, and strengthen the narrative and appropriation of nature conservation. The public participates in debates following the screening of films. The project has the sponsorship of O Globo, the support of the Municipality, the Tourism Council of Paraty, and the Roberto Marinho Foundation, and the selection of the Institute e for the debates and its participants.


Filmambiente was born and is based in Rio de Janeiro, but it has already happened in other cities, as Brasília (2018), Niterói (2019), and Porto Alegre (2014). And we are ready to take the Festival on to other municipalities, so that messages from the films and debates can lead more people to reflect on the importance of environmental sustainability and human rights issues. We have some projects on the go, and open to invites!

Filmambiente Voices

In the midst of this unique period, so full of uncertainties that we are going through, collectively, across the planet, we at Filmambiente proposed a reflection on the experience of social isolation/quarantine – and also on what we can expect / desire for the future. We know that the world will no longer be exactly the same when this pandemic is over, but how will it be?

Baía Urbana for Schools

Baía Urbana (Urban Bay) the documentary by the photographer and marine biologist Ricardo Gomes, shot over 2 years, depicts the marine life that still exists in the Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro). In March 2021, we opened subscriptions for teachers, students and groups interested in watching the movie; and from April 15th to April 30th, 2021 we opened the online access for schools and teachers subscribed, via our website. This event was offered in partnership with the Instituto Mar Urbano (Urban Sea Institute) within the scope of the Lei Aldir Blanc, inciso II (Law Aldir Blanc, subparagraph II).