Director of photography, with more than 140 films as photographer and cameraman, he worked with important Brazilian directors, like Eduardo Coutinho, with whom he did Edifício Master, Babilônia 2000 and Jogo de Cena. His most recent works - almost all carried out in partnership with female directors - include Nothing Like Before, by Ana Rieper, Until Life Do us apart: A Biography of Nelson Carneiro, by Emília Silveira, Paulo Casé - The architect of encounters, by Paula Fiuza, Win, Win, Win! by Alessandra Viganó, It 's Night in America, by Ana Vaz, Since Nobody Takes Me to Dance, by Ana Maria Magalhães, and the series, Just Any Day, by Pedro von Krüger. Awarded as photographer for various films, Jacques directed the series Luz and Sombra, Photographers of Brazilian cinema.