Filmambiente 2024 | August 22 - 28 | Rio de Janeiro, Niterói & Online

Those are the films selected for the 13th Filmambiente:

Brazilian Feature Documentary Competition, with 6 films, among the most awarded nationally. From those who take varied views on our unprotected Amazon, its different peoples and threats, such as Amazonia, the new Minamata?, by veteran Jorge Bodanzky and Listen: The Land Was Torn, by young Cassandra Mello and Fred Raha - complementary views of illegal mining, to the ones who revisit history to understand the present as From afar Every Mountain Range is Blue, by Neto Borges, in which the indigenist Fernando Schiavini reflects on the history of Brazilian indigenism, and Tropical Utopia, by João Amorim (present at the screening) in which Celso Amorim and Noam Chomski reflect on the political and economic facts that shaped Latin America and Brazil; to the very personal and impactful voices of the documentaries No More History Without Us by Priscilla Brasil (present at the screenings), about the unforgivable act of greenwashing, and Aurora Street – Refuge of all worlds, by Camilo Cavalcante, a mosaic of dreams, oppression, gentrification, in the megalopolis of São Paulo.

International Feature Film Competition, with 5 films that reflect some of the issues that the post-pandemic world has brought to light: in one of the Latin American premieres, The Battle for Laikipia, by Daphne Matziaraki and Peter Murimi, the contradictions of a post-colonial world, in which descendants of colonizers and original peoples compete for the same form of survival; in Fashion Reimagined, by Becky Hutner, design Amy Powner, daughter of activists, wants to overcome the contradiction of working in one of the most polluting industries on the planet, creating 100% sustainable fashion; in the German, This is Our Everything, by Frederik Subei and in the Hawaiian/American Standing Above Clouds, by Jalena Keane-Lee - other Latin American premieres - the “owner of speech” returns to those entitled to it: in the first, to the Guajajara people of northern Brazil; in the second,  the voice belongs to Hawaiian native women, who unite to resist and safeguard their traditions. Director and characters will come to Brazil to talk to the Brazilian audience about their experiences. And in The Edge of Nature, the award-winning Josh Fox (from the Emmy-winning Gasland) invites us to think about the direction of today's capitalist, consumerist and anthropocentric world, while recovering from the effects of Covid on his life.

Short-film Competition, brings together 19 films from 14 countries, presenting gems such as the award-winning animations Ice Merchants, a Portugal, France and the United Kingdom coproduction, by the Portuguese João Gonzales; the Canadian Feeling the Apocalypse, by Chen Sing Yap; Butterfly, by Croatian Sunčana Brkulj, the French The 8th Day, by Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin and Théo Duhautois, the Iranian The Sprayer, by Farnoosh Abedi and the South African, Thirst, by Arnaud van Vliet.,

Among the Brazilian short films in competition, some exhibited in the presence of their directors: In the Sea, by Clara Linhart and Rodrigo Garcia; Muddy Waters – The Story of the Z10 Fishermen, by Gabriel Panazio; and The Background of the air is Grey by Carol Magalhães.

Three Fiction Films will close the festival, on the 28th, in Rio and Niterói. The extraordinary Great Yarmouth, provisional figures, by Marco Martins, with the wonderful actress Beatriz Batarda and Nuno Lopes; the award-winning feature-length animation No Dogs or Italians Allowed, by Alain Ughetto, both about the dreams and harsh reality of immigrants, and the Argentinean The Impenetrable, by Sonia Elena Bertotti, which through a dark thriller draws attention to reality of the social (of native communities) and environmental dismantling in the Argentine Chaco, one of the last natural refuges in the country.

The 3 Thematic sections of the 13th Filmambiente are: Environmental Racism, one of the most prominent themes today, 5 films that help us face prejudices and climate injustices, among them a world premiere, the French The Land of Virtues, by Vincent Lapize, on the exercise of citizenship; Mighty Afrin, by award-winning Greek director and cinematographer Angelos Rallis, about the strength of a 12-year-old girl who does not surrender to the deadly tides of Bangladesh, and the also French Forgotten Nuclear Victims, where director Suliane Favennec reveals the struggle of two young activists who face the consequences of nuclear tests by France, the United States and England on Pacific islands.

Pro Nature showcases 11 films, ranging from contemplation of the harmony of the natural world to the perfect integration between man and nature, including the Brazilian films The Last Reservation, by Patrick Granja, and Corridors - from Pedra Azul to Forno Grande, by Klaus Berg, both present at their screenings, and the Slovak Grand Canyon, by Pavol Barabáš, an exciting adventure of friends who descend the turbulent waters of the Colorado River, amidst the beautiful landscapes of the American Grand Canyon .

At the Panorama showcase, 5 films in which activism is highlighted, whether for occupation and against gentrification, as in the Brazilian Anhangabaú, by Lufe Bollini; against the privatization of water in the world, as in the film by Will Parrinello, which will accompany the screenings, Water for Life, or in the French Bigger Than Us, by Flore Vasseur, produced by Marion Cotillard, which follows a young activist who travels around the world to get to know young activists and their achievements in favor of a more sustainable and fair world.

Below, the complete list of the 55 films

The Battle for Laikipia
USA and Kenia | 94 min | 2024 | Directed by Daphne Matziaraki e Peter Murimi
Latin American premiere

This is our everything
Germany | 81 min | 2023 | Directed by Frederik Subei
Brazilian premiere

The Edge of Nature
USA | 106 min | 2023 | Directed by Josh Fox
International premiere

Standing Above the Clouds
Hawaiian kingdom, USA | 84 min | 2024 | Directed by Jalena Keane-Lee
Latin American premiere
Presence of director and crew

Fashion Reimagined
United Kindom, USA | 100 min | 2022 | Directed by Becky Hutner
Brazilian premiere

The Amazon, a New Minamata?
76 min | 2022 | Directed by Jorge Bodanzky

From afar Every Mountain Range is Blue
85 min | 2023 | Directed by Neto Borges

Listen: The Land Was Torn
88 min | 2023 | Directed by Cassandra Mello e Fred Rahal

No More HIstory Without Us
76 min | 2024 | Directed by Priscilla Brasil
Presence of director

Aurora Street – Refuge of all worlds
94 min | 2023 | Directed by Camilo Cavalcante
Presence of production representatives

Tropical Utopia
77 min | 2023 | Directed by João Amorim
Presence of director

The Nature Girl
Fiction | Estados Unidos | 9 min 33 | 2024 | Directed by Paul Charisse, Quinton Luccas e Matteo Maximilian
Latin American premiere

The Shadow of the Palm Trees (La Sombra de las Palmeras)
Documentary | México | 15 min | 2024 | Directed by Yesenia Novoa Rodriguez, Magali Rocha Donnadieu
South American premiere

Muddy waters - The Story of the Fishermen from Z10, Rio
Documentary | Brazil| 7 min 07 | 2023 | Directed by Gabriel Panazio e Kléber Leão
Presence of director

Animation | Croacia | 10 min | 2024 | Directed by Sunčana Brkulj

Experimental | Brazil | 9 min 30 | 2024 | Directed by Lidiana Reis

Of Waters
Documentary | Brazil | 17 min | 2023 | Directed by Adalberto Oliveira e Tiago Martins Rêgo

Thieves of Skies
Animation | Brazil | 7 min 43 | 2023 | Directed by Fernanda Carvalho

Ice Merchants
Animation | Portugal, França e UK| 14min31| 2022 | Directed by João Gonzalez
South American premiere

On the 8th day (Au 8éme Jour)
Animation | France | 8 min 12 | 2023 | Directed by Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin e Théo Duhautois

In the sea
Documentary | Brasil | 17 min 17 | 2023 | Directed by Clara Linhart e Rodrigo Garcia
Presence of directors

Pull (Odh)
Fiction | Índia | 8 min 56 | 2023 | Directed by Akhil Lotlikar
American premiere

The Closing of a Refinery
Documentary, Experimental | Portugal |16 min 08 | 2023 | Directed by Vasco Monteiro
American premiere

The Background of the air is Grey
Documentary, Experimental | Brazil | 13 min 18 | 2023 | Directed by Carol Magalhães

The Sprayer
Animation | Islamic Republic of Iran | 9 min | 2022 | Directed by Farnoosh Abedi
South American premiere

Over to You (Benden Sana)
Documentary | Turkey | 7 min 32 | 2024 | Directed by Tao Farren-Hefer
American Premiere

Animation | South Africa | 13 min 43 | 2023 | Directed by Arnaud van Vliet
Latin American premiere

Feeling the Apocalypse
Documentary in Animation | Canada | 7 min | 2022 | Directed by Chen Sing Yap

The Great Ice (Sermersuaq)
Documentary | Italy | 13 min 42 | 2024 | Directed by Patrizia Bruno
American premiere

Lion Dreams
Fiction | Spain | 15min | 2024 | Directed by Jordi López
American premiere

The Illusion of Abundance
Documentary | Colombia | 61 min | 2022 | Directed by Erika Gonzalez Ramirez e Matthieu Lietaert
Brazilian premiere

Seeds of the Vertus (La Terre des Vertus)
Documentary | France | 89 min | 2024 | Directed by Vincent Lapize
World Premiere

Mighty Afrin, in the time of flood
Experimental | Greece and France | 1h 27min | 2022 | Directed by Angelos Rallis
Brazilian premiere

This Stolen Country of Mine
Documentary | Germany and Ecuador | 52 min | 2022 Directed by Marc Wiese

Plastic Fantastic | Plastic Fantastic
Documentary | Germany | 102 min | 2023 | Directed by Isa Willinger

The Forgotten Nuclear Victims
Documentary | France | 55 min | 2023 | Directed by Suliane Favennec
American premiere

Animal (Animal)
Documentary | France | 105 min | 2021 | Directed by Ciryl Dion

Corridors - from Pedra Azul to Forno Grande
Documentary | Brazil | 70 min | 2024 | Directed by Klaus’ Berg
World premiere
Presence of the director of photography

Where are you From?
Animation, Music Video | Uruguay | 2 min 32 | 2023 | Directed by Juan Cristiani

Once upon a Forest
Documentary | Sweden 18 min | 2024 | Directed by Mattias Olsson
World premiere

Lynx Man (Ilveskuiskaaja)
Documentary | Finland and Estonia | 52 min | 2023 | Directed by Juha Suonpää

The Poet who Became a Bird
Animation | Brazil | 10 min | 2023 | Directed by Ara Martins

Nature attack
Animation, Experimental | France | 3 min 15 | 2023 | Directed by Erik Semashkin

There was a Cedar Forest (Il y Avait une Forêt de Cèdre)
Documentary | France | 3 min | 2023 | Directed by Arthur Cech
Latin American Premiere

The King of birds
Documentary | Russia | 16 min | 2023 | Directed by Daria Razumnikova|

Grand Canyon (Velky kanon)
Documentary | Slovakia | 64 min | 2023 | Directed by Pavol Barabáš

The Last Reservation
Documentary | Brazil | 30 min | 2024 | Directed by Patrick Granja
World Premiere
Presence of director

Water for Life
Documentary | EUA | 90 min | 2023 | Directed by Will Parrinello
Presence of director

Breaking Social
Documentary | Sweden | 93 min | 2023 | Directed by Fredrik Gertten

On the Edge of Gold
Documentary | Brazil | 95 min | 2022 | Directed by Sandro Kakabadze
Presence of director

Documentary | Brazil | 75 min | 2023 | Directed by Lufe Bollini

Bigger than Us
Documentary | France | 98 min | 2021 | Directed by Flore Vasseur

Great Yarmouth, provisional figures
Portugal, France, UK | 113 min | 2022 | Directed by Marco Martins
Latin American premiere

No Dogs or Italians Allowed (Interdit aux Chiens et aux Italiens)
Animação | França, Itália, Bélgica, Suiça e Portugal |70 min | 2022 | Directed by Alain Ughetto
Brazilian premiere

The Impenetrable (Al Impenetrable)
Argentina | 1h 28 min | 2023 | Directed by Sonia Bertotti
Brazilian premiere

Children of the Amazon
Documentary | Brazil | 72 min | 2008 | Directed by Denise Zmekhol
among other titles from the list above

National and international films, long and short films, produced from January 2022 onwards, can compete for the awards.
  • Brazilian Feature Film Competition: best film, direction, editing and cinematography
  • International Feature Film Competition: best film, direction, editing and cinematography
  • Short Film Competition: best film, direction, editing and cinematography
All the films compete for the People's Choice Award
Registrations are only completed by sending the film link, for viewing, without the possibility of downloading.
Please check the regulations before submitting your film. It is very important as the registration of the film in the festival presupposes acceptance of these regulations.