The Wind Blows the Border

After the exhibition of The Wind Blows the border, a debate will happen with one of its main characters Alenir Aquino Ximendes - in Guarani, Kuña Poty Rendy'I on the dramatic situation of the attack on the Guarani Kaiowá indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul.


An indigenous of the Kaiowá ethnic group, she is one of the representatives of the Kuñague Aty Guasu, the Great Assembly of Kaiowá and Guarani Women, which deals with issues such as: domestic violence, state violence, attacks by gunmen on communities, food sovereignty, pesticides and the impacts of monoculture surrounding the villages, racism, prejudice, religious intolerance, rights of children and adolescents, rights of elders, environment, climate and all the Guarani Kaiowá struggle/mobilization agenda.

Alenir is director of the Mbo'eroy Tupã'i Municipal School Arandu Reño'i. She’s also part of the leadership committee of the Ñande Ru Marangatu Indigenous Land, in southern Mato Grosso do Sul, on the border with Paraguay, a place of years of systematic violence against indigenous people. Alenir is also one of the leaders of Tekoha “Ñande Ru Marangatu”.

 The Debate will take place at Blooks bookstore, at the entrance of Espaço Itau de Cinema.

Oiara Bonilla

Oiara is an Anthropologist and a professor at Fluminense Federal University (UFF). She began ethnographic research with indigenous peoples in 1996 and has worked with the Paumari people of the middle Purus River (AM) since 2000. In 2013 she carried out field research in a Guarani - Kaiowá territory in southern Mato Grosso do Sul, on the border of Paraguay. Oiara writes regularly about indigenous rights and setbacks in this field.

November, 7th

Available Worldwide

Alenir_Guarani Kaiowa copy
Oiara Bonilla